Annabelle Louise Jasmin was born on January 5, 2016 and was called home on August 28, 2016. Sweet baby Belle had an unforgettable 8 months on this Earth that were tormented with seizures and infantile spasms. She was on numerous medications as well as continuous feedings through a gastrointestinal tube. From the time she was diagnosed family, friends, and perfect strangers came together in God's words to lift her up in prayer. For months now we have prayed for healing and a miracle. We now know that God has granted us that miracle. Annabelle has been freed of all her ailments and made whole. She sits on the lap of our Father with a smile on her face and open eyes looking down upon us. Thank you to all of those who have prayed and loved Annabelle. Our sweet angel never had to doubt the love of her family. Rejoice in Heaven Princess, we will be reunited again.